Hi, I'm Josephine. I'm an academic researcher and writer, as well as a radio/audio and public relations practitioner. My professional career began in local radio. I have worked in all three sectors: commercial, the BBC and community access. I have worked as a public relations and promotions expert as well as a presenter, producer and journalist. More recently, I have been teaching in Higher Education, both at undergraduate (Birkbeck, University of London) and postgraduate level (Brunel University of London) specialising in media and communications studies, PR practice/theory and related fields.
Birkbeck, University of London
2014 to 2020 | PhD: Talk of the Town. Exploring the social site of local content production for community radio
Birkbeck, University of London
2008 to 2010 | MA, History of Film and Visual Media:
University of Cambridge
1985 to 1988 | MA, Geography
Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA)
2016 to Present | Former Chair and current Communications Officer of the RSN (Link to Radio Studies Network)
Harpenden Writers
1996 to 2023 | Link to Harpenden Writers
Served as Chairman, Publicity Officer, and Membership Secretary
Helped manage the publication of the group's 10th & 20th Anniversary Anthologies
Arranged speakers, organised special events, and co-ordinated/conducted writing workshops